Progressive Repertoire for the Double Bass gets beginner students playing music right away with easy, recognizable tunes. It gets students moving into the upper registers of the bass at a faster rate than the traditional double bass method books. The book begins with musical intervals that are easier to hear and slowly increases the difficulty throughout. Progressive Repertoire is the first book in English to incorporate the division of the entire fingerboard into six different positions, a la famous modern double bass virtuoso, Francios Rabbath. This system allows the bass player greater efficiency and ease when tackling difficult musical passages. The student will be taught how to hold the instrument correctly, how to hold the bow, different styles of pizzicato (plucking the string), different names for the parts of the instrument, how to tune, how to produce a good tone, and much more. Strict adherence to the method books is not necessary. There is plenty of opportunities to break away from the method books for side lessons. There may be students that want to incorporate improvisational elements into their playing or even writing music. Our mini music theory lessons can get them started playing with musical harmony. We find that finding and incorporating the music that they are passionate about into their lessons can lead to a more positive relationship with their instrument and to their own musical goals.